This is to add aftercare to an existing order!
This registration is to add aftercare to an existing order that has already been placed and paid for. If you have not already registered for a week of camp, then you need to do this first. All orders done with this registration page will be matched up with an existing order and if there is no corresponding registration.
After care is for 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm after the regular camp has been completed at 3:00 pm.
Aftercare is available for campers over the age of 6. If the camper is below the age of 6, they will not be allowed in aftercare.
First Camper – $150.00 per week
Second Camper (Sibling) – 50% off
Third Camper (Sibling) – FREE.
Registration Instructions
Provide your contact information, people authorized to pick up your child, your child’s information, and the sessions your child will be attending. Note that fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are required fields and MUST be filled out.
If you have questions about any of our camp locations or want more information, please contact Coach Mac at or 202-230-2206. Please don’t hesitate to reach out – we are more than happy to help!